Wednesday, March 14, 2012

National Geographic Kids Magazine

Do you have a magazine that you enjoy reading? Tonight I was thinking about our blog, and I realized that I have neglected to share that even if you read a magazine, that is TOTALLY cool! Some people prefer to read magazines to books. I don't, but some people do. I know some adults that subscribe to a lot of different magazines and don't pick up a book to read. That's cool. I mean, it's amazing some of the things you can learn from a magazine.

In December, I decided that I really like National Geographic Kids Magazine, and went to order a subscription for myself. As it turns out, the website isn't set up for adults to order for themselves. It's set up for adults to order for kids. So guess what I did...I ordered it for my DOG. That's right, every month a new magazine comes for JAY SPRINGER. *grin* It's okay, Jay doesn't mind sharing. *grin*

I love the magazine and typically put it in my magazine basket in my classroom right away, as I have a few students who LOVE non-fiction and will read the magazine from cover to cover. I received the latest issue the other day. Here are some examples of things you can learn:

Babies have taste buds in their cheeks.

Finland holds an annual cell phone-throwing contest.

The human body contains a tiny amount of gold.

A horse from Missouri is so small she sleeps in a doghouse.

(Facts taken from "Weird but True" April 2012 Nat'l Geo. Kids Magazine.)

I encourage you to pick up a magazine. You'll be amazed at what you might learn & enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms. Springer,
    That is soooo funny that Jay gets the magazines! I have learned some cool and weird things from magazines. I am not looking forward to the MAP test. What about you?
    Talk to you later,
    Connor 6-Z
