Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Tonight I have a book review for you! I just finished INCARCERON by Catherine Fisher last night and wanted to take a moment to post about it.

My brother recommended the book to me, and I was really excited about it. I jumped into it with both feet, but found myself re-reading parts of it. I spent WEEKS on this book, and while I will say it earned four stars for creativity of plot and it kept me going until the end, it was also a book I FORCED myself to read at the end of the day. I've shared before about the difficulty for me to abandon a book, and it wasn't that I wanted to abandon it, it also wasn't a book that I thought "Oh, I can't wait to read it tonight." *grin*

I will say that if you enjoyed HUNGER GAMES and MAZE RUNNER you would probably enjoy this book. It really did have a little bit of both in it, complete with action and suspense.

As for me, I've started BIG NATE GOES FOR BROKE and will probably finish it tonight. I'll have a post up about it soon! *grin*

Go ahead, check out INCARCERON by Catherine Fisher if you're a MAZE RUNNER/HUNGER GAMES fan!

My books are piling up for Summer Break! Woohoo!


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